Thursday, July 23, 2009

a dad who lost two sons

Wow, here I am blogging. Why you may ask, I have a feeling of being alone and just left to wander this world with no meaning. Am I going to kill myself, NO. I have been killed so many times over already.

This blog is for you fathers out there, who the court system has screwed over. Those fathers who have lost their children to their ex's. Those fathers who have no idea where their children are, are they okay? Are they alive? Did they get tucked in last night? Did they eat? What is their mother doing to them? Is she loving them? If you are one of those fathers who would quit a job to not pay child support, who would start your own business to hide your income, please don't read further. Its fathers like you, and mothers like my ex that get men like me hurt, and sterotyped into a dead beat dad. When in reality, my ex legally abducted my children from me.

I have no idea who is going to read this, who out there will really care? All I know, is that fathers need more rights. My last pre-trial my ex showed up claiming I had not been paying child support. The judge heard her side, then basically brushed me and my lawyer off due to me being a dead beat dad. Once I showed him the proof I was paying the judge changed his opinion of me. Turns out Alberta MEO was not forwarding her money to her. They sat on over 4 months worth of support. But thats getting ahead of myself, allow me start at the begining.

It was the middle of 2005 when my ex and I seperated. She was pregnant with my second son with her. I did not know he was mine, we were on again off again. In july 2005 I met my current wife and best friend. We will call her "Martha". Martha also has a wonderful daughter, who now in 2009 is 12. I was not ready to raise a tween, yet here I am doing a pretty good job. Once my ex found out about Martha she cut off access too my sons.

I tried several times to see my oldest, who is now 7 and my youngest is now 4. I never got to hold my youngest until he was almost 3, again getting ahead of myself.

I tried calling my exs parents to find her, but she moved. Once she filed court papers for support, I attempted to find her at the address. Can you guess what she did? Yeap she moved. I attempted to contact the local police, they said no court order, no wrong doing. You should check the criminal code of Canada, even with out a court order she can be charged, but they won't. All this started in December of 2007 when I attempted access through my legal counsel. Give you an idea what this has cost to date, July 23/09 I am over 12,000 into my lawyer. My ex using leagl aid, $750. How is that fair?

My ex makes minimum wage, so 17,000/year, I pay her 15,200/year in support. Plus she gets lower rent, free health care, and free day care. This means she makes with her government money about 38,000/year. I made last year, 99,000. Before taxes, after taxes 55,000, less my child support, 40,000.......with no breaks on mortgage or car payments or anything. Plus I have the cost of access, at over 1000/month.

So to recap so far, I have spent 12,000 to date on lawyer bills and all I get is one weekend a month with my sons. That weekend is from 9am Saturday until 3pm Sunday. After reading this, is the court system really fair?

Keep checking back, I will be back with more on July 24/09 in the a.m.

1 comment:

  1. As long as you are being honest with yourself and those that you love, you'll come out on top of this situation.
